Elections are scheduled to be held Wednesday, November 13, 2024 for all Boards of Education.
The North East School Division is made up of eight elected board members.
North East School Division Subdivision Maps
Notice of Call for Nominations
North East School Division No. 200
Public Notice is hereby given that nomination of candidates for the office of Board of Education, North East School Division No. 200:
Subdivisions are divided as follows: (1 Member is needed in each subdivision)
Subdivision No. 1: Includes the community of Hudson Bay and area.
Subdivision No. 2: Includes the communities of Carrot River, Arborfield and areas.
Subdivision No. 3: Includes the communities of Choiceland, White Fox and areas, and rural Nipawin.
Subdivision No. 4: Includes the community of Melfort and area.
Subdivision No. 5: Includes the communities of Star City, Naicam and areas.
Subdivision No. 6: Includes the community of Tisdale and area.
Subdivision No. 7: Includes the communities of Bjorkdale, Porcupine Plain and areas.
Town of Nipawin: 1 Member at Large
will be received by the undersigned on Wednesday, the 9th day of October 2024 from 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. at the North East School Division Office at 402 Main Street, Melfort, SK and during regular business hours from Tuesday, September 24th, 2024, until Tuesday, October 8th, 2024.
Candidates are required to provide a Criminal Record Check along with their nomination form. The Criminal Record Check must have been completed no more than six (6) months before the date of filing the nomination form.
Nomination forms may be submitted in person by appointment, by regular mail, by registered mail, by fax (306.752.1933) or by email (elections@nesd.ca).
Nomination forms may be obtained at the following locations:
For further information, please contact (306) 752-5741.
Dated this 10th day of September 2024.
Tanya Biesenthal, Returning Officer
24 Dec 2015 cL-30.11 Reg 1.
Candidates are required to provide a Criminal Record Check along with their nomination form. The Criminal Record Check must have been completed no more than six (6) months before the date of filing the nomination form.
Nomination Forms will be accepted until October 9, 2024 at 4:00pm.
September 24 - October 9 (at 4:00pm) - Call for Nominations
October 9 at 4:00 pm - Nomination Date
October 10 - Withdrawal date by 4:00pm
November 13 - ELECTION DAY
TBD - Advance Polls
TBD - Regular Polls
2024-10-04 14:25:04
Sub 6-Lori Kidney-092724-PUBLIC_Redacted.pdf
Sub 6-Lori Kidney-092724-PUBLIC_Redacted.pdf
2024-10-04 14:25:03
Sub 5-Ryan Pederson-100124_Redacted.pdf
Sub 5-Ryan Pederson-100124_Redacted.pdf
2024-10-04 22:28:20
Sub 2-Hanson, Sherri-100424-NOMINATION_Redacted.pdf
Sub 2-Hanson, Sherri-100424-NOMINATION_Redacted.pdf
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NIP-Logan Campbell-100424-FORM_Redacted.pdf
NIP-Logan Campbell-100424-FORM_Redacted.pdf
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Sub 4-Tim Hoenmans-092524-PUBLIC_Redacted.pdf
Sub 4-Tim Hoenmans-092524-PUBLIC_Redacted.pdf
No results found
2024-09-09 15:57:31
2024-09-09 15:57:32
No results found
402 Main Street, Box 6000, Melfort, SK, S0E 1A0
EMAIL: divisionoffice@nesd.ca
1-306-752-5741 | Toll Free: 1-888-752-5741