North East School Division Logo
North East School Division Logo
North East School Division
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Communication Methods for NESD Parents/Guardians


This program provides parents /guardians the ability to:

  • Enter student absences
  • View student course progress and student portfolios
  • Receive student report cards
  • Receive communication from the school, classes, teachers, and groups
  1. Install the Edsby App onto your mobile.  Your server will be called
  2. Each parent/guardian with a unique email address will receive an email invite by the school to join Edsby. Full instructions are here:  How to Join Edsby as a Parent.
  3. How to Manage Edsby Notifications – Mobile App


School Messenger

This program is used for:

  • Busses notifications
  • Student unexcused absence notifications
  • School safety and emergency notifications
  • Director news
  1. Emails will go out to all contacts with an email
  2. To receive texts to your cellphone, send Yes or Y to 978338
  3. text signup
  4. The ability exists for your phone number and email to be removed from receiving School Messenger notifications. This action comes with the CAUTION that removal will result in the removal of ALL Bussing, Absence, School Safety and Emergency notifications, and Director news. It is an all or nothing setting.


Social Media

Follow NESD Facebook page and your school’s Facebook page

Follow NESD Instagram page and your school's Instagram page

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402 Main Street, Box 6000, Melfort, SK, S0E 1A0


1-306-752-5741 | Toll Free: 1-888-752-5741


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