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Home Based Education
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Home Based Education
Home Based Education
North East School Division

Learning from Home


NESD Homeschool

The Vision of the North East School Division is to proudly work with families and community partners to create safe, inclusive, and responsive learning experiences for all. NESD acknowledges that some parents want to provide their children's education in a home-based setting.  We support home-based education as set out in legislation and in accordance with NESD AP 605 - Home-Based Education.

A home-based education program is a program based from home, directed by the parent(s), for their own children between the ages of 5 and 17 years of age. The Ministry of Saskatchewan's Home-Based Education: Policy and Procedures Manual is available to assist parents with fulfilling their legal responsibilities regarding the registration and operation of home-based education programs.  Home-Based Education Q&A

NESD provides a home-based education grant to home-based educators to assist with the cost of home-based learning.  Those wishing to receive the home-based education grant for the 2023-2024 school year must comply with the following requirements:

  • Fill out a registration form between August 15 - September 15, 2024
  • Submit an Education Plan for each student between August 15 - September 15, 2024
  • Submit a Year End Report for each student between June 1 - 15, 2025

Home-based education registrations are accepted year long - education plans and year end reports are still required.


1.   Register Your Students

Before registering, please read the following:

Step 1:

Immigration or international student?  Follow these NESD Immigration or International Student Instructions for permission to register with the NESD Homeschool.


Step 2:

Parents residing within the North East School Division boundaries NESD Boundary Map who choose to provide a Home-based Education Program for their children must register with the NESD Homeschool before beginning their program.


Step 3:

Home-based students must register each year.




 – email completed form to or mail to NESD Homeschool, Box 6000, Melfort, SK  S0E 1A0, or drop off at the Division Office at 402 Main Street, Melfort.


2.   Prepare Your Education Plans

The purpose of the written educational plan is for parents to demonstrate that they have a positive and constructive approach to the education of their children before beginning their home-based education program.  If you require assistance, our Home-Based Education Monitor is available to provide educational consultation to home-based educators as you prepare your written education plan.  Please contact the division office at 306-752-5741 with your questions.





– email completed form to or mail to NESD Homeschool, Box 6000, Melfort, SK  S0E 1A0, or drop off at the Division Office at 402 Main Street, Melfort.


A separate education plan must be submitted for each student.


3.   Year-End Reports

Summarizing growth in learning and providing samples of student work to show that growth is required at the end of the academic year. This expectation is outlined by the Ministry of Education.

As required by the Ministry of Education, please include the following in each student's year-end report/portfolio:

  1. A periodic log; and,
  2. one of the following for each of the broad annual goals:
    1.  a detailed summative record;
    2.  sufficient samples of work; or,
    3.  a summative record and samples of work

Please ensure any student work submitted is a copy only. We keep files at the office for our records. The submissions will not be returned.  When possible, all documents should be submitted in a PDF format, with clear pictures of work samples. (pdf format preferred to paper documents) 


A separate year end report must be submitted for each student.


ONLINE Year End Report - supporting documents can be emailed to


PAPER Home-Based Education YEAR-END REPORT (SHBE template)


– email completed form to or mail to NESD Homeschool, Box 6000, Melfort, SK  S0E 1A0, or drop off at the Division Office at 402 Main Street, Melfort.



4.   Curriculum and Resources

  • Saskatchewan Curriculum are available to view on the Saskatchewan Curriculum website.
  • Curriculum Corner on the North East School Division website is another resource for curriculum related documents & materials.
  • SaskDLC has a Resouce Bank of resources to access
  • SHBE - Saskatchewan Home-based Educators - this website has some good free materials to assist with homeschool content.
  • Textbooks and learning resources are available for loan, dependent upon division availability.  Complete the NESD Home-Based Education Resource Request form.  E-textbook subscription for K to Gr. 9: Pearson School e-text is an easy-to-use database of content available to you anytime and anywhere that you have internet access, at no cost to you.  Deadline to request e-textbooks and resources is October 15th, 2024.
  • You are welcome to arrange borrowing privileges at your nearest school library. Also check out your local community library for resources.
  • Though your family has chosen to homeschool, opportunities for your child to participate in extra curricular may be a consideration.  Please contact for more information.
  • There may be some courses that would enhance your Education Plan because of the nature of the subject (i.e., Physical Education, Band, PAA). In some cases, at the discretion of NESD and the school principal, there may be an opportunity to join with peers to complete the course .  Specific curriculum-based school trips and activities (i.e., ski trip, education field trip, tours) would not be permitted to participate as a stand-alone event. Please contact to discuss this further.
  • The NESD provides a small grant to our community of Homeschool Families who may wish to plan and participate in a Group Educational Experience. Applications for this funding must be received before September 30th, 2024 and be included in each families’ education plan.  Budget approval will be communicated by mid-October and dispersed when receipts for expenses are received at the division office.  NESD Group Educational Experience Form


5.   Driver Training

All NESD students are automatically eligible for the High School Driver Education Program at no cost (not including SGI fees) through the schools/division when they become age eligible.  When your Homeschool student is eligible for driver education, please review the NESD Driver Education Information and Instructions.  An NESD email to required to sign up for driver education.  


6.   High School Credit Opportunities - Transcript of Secondary Level Achievement

If your child is entering into grade 10 and you wish them to get provincially recognized credits for their classes, they will need to either enter the regular school system or take the courses online. This ensures that they have an academic standing when applying for post-secondary schooling.  Sask Ministry of Education High School Credit Options.  *There have been updates to the high school credit requirements - updates will be coming soon.

If your high school Homeschooler wishes to take the full time online option, NESD homeschool families may consider the Saskatchewan Distance Learning Corporation option.  Homeschoolers may take 1-2 courses to be considered Homeschool and part-time Sask DLC.  Three or more course would make the student full time at Sask DLC. 


Please explore the Home School High School Journeys your homeschooler may take for high school.


If you choose this option for your family, the SaskDLC is considered your primary school and this student will no longer be considered an NESD Homeschool student.  Sask DLC will share the information with the nearest school division, as the Ministry requires that those students be registered as secondary with their nearest physical school.  The NESD Coordinator of Learning will work with your family and the SaskDLC, as needed, when issues arise with any full-time online students who are secondary to the NESD. 


Homeschool Calendar



August 15

NESD Home-Based Education Registration Opens

Education Plan Submission Opens

September 15

To receive home-based education grant, Home-Based Education Registration and Education Plan Due

September 30

Deadline to submit the NESD Group Educational Experience Form

October 15

Deadline to request e-textbooks and resources

November 15

First home-based education grant disbursement to eligible Home-Based Families

June 1-15

Deadline to submit Year-End Reports to NESD

August 15

Second home-based education grant disbursement to eligible Home-Based Families



402 Main Street, Box 6000, Melfort, SK, S0E 1A0


1-306-752-5741 | Toll Free: 1-888-752-5741


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